
Purpose and Impact Hub

12:30 pm
1:30 pm

We’ve partnered with The Fore who rigorously and transparently screen thousands of small charities and social enterprises (turnover under £0.5m) to identify those with exceptional leadership, innovative ideas and cost-effective solutions. The Fore then provides a wraparound package of unrestricted, multi-year grant-funding (up to £30,000) training, skilled volunteers, peer-to-peer networks and impact measurement.

​This month, meet charities and non-profits funded by the Fore who will share their missions and the specific challenges and problems they are facing. As they scale up, they need and want our help.

​This is a unique chance for Brave Starts members to donate time, energy, expertise or insight to organisations we know are making a considerable, positive difference.​


Cat Smith, CEO @ Community TechAid

​Community TechAid is a young organisation working to address a rapidly growing problem; digital poverty and e-waste. They're at an exciting stage of their growth and are starting to explore how the can expand.

Matilda Lawrence-Jubb, Co-Founder & Director @ Split Banana

​An award-winning social enterprise, Split Banana delivers sex-ed in schools and has been running for 6 years. They have hit a tricky financial period and require support with marketing, financial planning and sales.

Bob Anderson, Programme Director @ Mobile Education Partnerships

​Mobile Education Partnerships (formally Burma Education Partnerships) was built from scratch by practising teachers. They are dedicated to providing high quality professional support based on teacher partnerships bringing together the best of East and West.

Kate Darby, CEO and Founding Director @ Dementia Disco

​Dementia Disco use music to inspire memories, conversation, and friendships in and between people living with dementia. They are at a very exciting stage of their journey. With thanks to The Fore, they have an amazing opportunity for growth and have lots of ideas. They would love some expert advice on how they can reach their goals. They are looking to expand their board by recruiting trustees but also welcome the opportunity to network.

Jodie Le Marrec, CEO @ Embraceability

​EmbraceAbility’s mission is to promote capacity and independence for disabled and disadvantaged children and their families in Cambodia and Malawi, while fostering inclusive communities through education, sports and the promotion of disability rights. They are looking for a treasurer and advice on how they can raise their disability training programme.

Andrew Anastasiou, Head of Partnerships & Fundraising @ Good For Good

​Goods for Good offer global humanitarian aid by transporting donations such as industry overstock from their generous partners to help communities in need.

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